We all carry many devices that require charging on a frequent basis. Some of these devices, such as our smart phones, may need to be charged multiple times during the day. When traveling, it is common to get into situations where it is not convenient the charge your devices. This is especially true for camera batteries and phones. I have discovered four gadgets that are essential for my traveling (photo below shows the gadgets I own).

1. Multiport plug-in charger
There are many such devices available for a reasonable cost. Pick one with sufficient ports for your devices. It is not uncommon for me to be charging two iPhones, an iPad, my portable charger, and battery charger at the same time. I suggest a 5-port charger with a power cord, since it is not always possible to directly plug into the outlet. Many cruise ships have limited power, although the newer ones now provide 110v, 220v, and USB power outlets.
2. Multiport portable charger
I also carry a multi-port charger with me at all times. I find that two ports are sufficient, although there are number of three port charges available as well. My 10,000 mAh can charge my iPhone nearly 5 times from a complete discharge. I also use it to power my portable fans and occasionally to keep my iPad charged (note that some airlines require you to use your personal devices to watch movies, which cause them to discharge very quickly). This is one device I always carry with me on the plane or in the field. It has become indispensable and saved me on many occasions. Of course, don’t forget the cables. My charger has a mesh case with it, so I always keep two lightning cables (for the iPhones and iPads and two mini-USB cables for other devices).
3. Universal battery charger
I just discovered this great device while shopping at Micro Center. It not only charges AA and AAA batteries, but has an adjustable contacts that work with my camera batteries. I use rechargeable batteries as much as I can and, in the past, was caring a charger for each camera plus battery charger. I can now carry just this one charger to fulfill all my needs.
4. Worldwide power adapter (depending on location)
You will only need a power adapter if you plan to visit a foreign country or travel on a ship with foreign registration, which might not have standard U.S. 110v outlets. I found this very flexible adapter that also had two USB ports. It is compatible with just about any country’s power quirks. With these gadgets, you can address almost any of your power need. However, make sure you take sufficient cables with you.
Please post any questions you might have or suggestions based on your experience. I will respond quickly and will include suggestions in future updates.
WARNING: Many cruise lines include surge suppressors in their prohibited items. Verify that, if up take a power strip, it does not include a surge suppressor, otherwise the cruise line may confiscate it to be returned at the end of the cruies.