Yes, I know there are many websites and videos with tips for cruisers and some of them are very good. However, as I have reviewed these sites, I have found that they are high level and did not really address topics that experienced cruisers want to hear about. Over the years, I have made many notes from my observations and discussions with my fellow passengers. My goal here is to provide tips, identify gadgets, and discuss some of the destinations that I have enjoyed. I would do my best not to repeat what you might find elsewhere, but to provide a new insight.

My assumption is that you, as a reader, have experienced at least one cruise and have determined that cruising is something you want to continue. I will attempt to keep my posts short and to the point. They will fall into one of three categories:

  • Tips are practices I have learned that make a cruise more enjoyable and less stressful. Some may be simple or obvious, but I have learned from discussions with others that that is not always the case.
  • Gadgets are items I have tried that simplify my cruise. Some have worked out well and others not so much. I will rate each one and explain why it was good or why it was bad.
  • Ramblings include topics that do not fit cleanly into tips or gadgets.  This can include destinations, ship reviews, and just about anything that tickles my fancy.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I have NOT received any of the items reviewed from vendors nor have I been provided any incentives from cruise lines.  I do have links to in case you want to learn more about any of the items.

Please subscribe to receive updates on new posts. Thank you for reading what I have to say, and feel free to comment back to me at any time.

Bon voyage!


Let us know if you have any questions or feedback

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